Category Archives: Reblog/Pressed

Fish Funeral

Both sad and funny. Thought you might like this one.  I wonder if Dorian was gray…


But I am not dreaming!

My dear friend wrote this brave post. I want you to see it, too. If you’ve had similar experiences (or know someone who has), you’ll appreciate this.  Really proud of her for sharing and letting others know they’re not alone. 



My throat is tight, I feel I am choking on air as my heart beats so fast! The windshield wipers go on in my car so I can see through the blur; but realize that its not the blur of a rain storm. Wip…

Source: But I am not dreaming!

“What can I get you?”

Pressed from …you should stop by. I love this one:



So this week we had to choose our criteria for our future children. It felt a little bit like going to Subway: I’ll have a six inch Hearty Italian with tuna, NO cheese. Toasted, but with the …

Source: “What can I get you?”

Suicide Rates are Higher in Autistic Adults.


Photo Credit: Helen Harrop, Suicide Survivor

One of my blogging buddies wrote the article below. When I wrote my Suicide post, she mentioned that the original title could be misinterpreted by adults on the Autism spectrum. I reworked a couple areas of the post for clarity, then asked if she’d be willing to write a piece about suicide and Autism.

If you’ve been reading Hypervigilant for a while, you know I have strong feelings about the need to understand those with Autism. Her writing definitely supports that goal. Every sentence of this post is worth your time. And if you don’t already follow her blog, you should. She’s phenomenal.


Another blogger asked me to write this. After a misunderstood blog post title apeared that they posted. With all the noise about vaccines and Autism in children, a very serious matter is being over…

Source: Suicide rates higher is Autistic adults.

Introduce Yourself! (Network Here)


Photo Credit: Joel Jefferies

Today I write the 200th post on…sort of  a milestone.

I wouldn’t be here without YOU. This post is dedicated to you, my amazing friends around the world. 

Taking a page from my opinionated buddy Jason at HarsH ReaLiTy, I’m opening the first Hypervigilant Networking Post. It’s your turn to write!

Introduce yourself to everyone. Put a link to your blog in the comments. Add a quick summary about yourself and/or your blog.

No butt-sniffing, though.

Unless you’re this guy. 

Here, I’ll get you started. Like this:


Hi, I’m Casey. I write most about adoption, but sometimes write fiction or about random things I’ve learned. Here’s my blog:

Let’s network, people.

Love is the only solution

This guy is amazing. A good reminder…love is the only solution, but it isn’t an immediate fix. Love takes time and only works if you really mean it.

Love is the only solution.