Category Archives: Poetry

Ode to Seuss



Why I Write

I write because I love it.

I write to keep me sane.

I write when I feel happy

or sad or just mundane.

I write because Hubby says,

“if you neglect to do

writing every single day

your attitude is poo!”

I write ’cause I adore it.

I write because it’s free.

Writing’s a true essential;

costs less than therapy.

I write because I want to.

I write because it’s play.

Sometimes I just write to learn

what my thoughts have to say.

Ask me if I’ll ever stop—

the answer is, I won’t.

And I write because my head

will explode if I don’t.


I write because I love it.

Why do you write?

Photo credit: Casey Alexander

*revision from earlier post


There once was a girl from Nantucket

Who spent half her life in a bucket

When people jeered “why?”

She winked her brown eye

And said,

I just realized that almost any other rhyming word I use here will be impolite.


10 Reasons to Write


I’m a little behind on the assignments for Writing 101. I’ll explain why in a later post. For now, I’m just trying to catch up. Here’s my answer, in tribute to my hero—the man who first made me fall in love with rhythm and rhyme. Bonus points if you guess who.

Why I Write

I write because I love it.

I write to keep me sane.

I write when I feel happy

or sad or just mundane.

I write because Hubby says,

“if you neglect to do

writing every single day

your attitude is poo!”

I write because I love it.

I write because it’s free.

Writing’s a true essential;

costs less than therapy.

I write because I love it.

I write because it’s play.

Sometimes I write just to learn

what my thoughts have to say.

Ask me if I’ll ever stop—

the answer is, I won’t.

And I write because my head

will explode if I don’t.


I write because I love it.

Why do you write?

Photo credit: Casey Alexander


Sent my laptop for repairs.

Parts on backorder.

Laptop finally returned, but isn’t fixed. Back it goes.

Thank God for extended warranties.

Trying to post via phone just doesn’t work for me…

Want to guest post?  Email me via the contact link above. You’re always welcome in my virtual writing den. 🙂

*Posts involving adoption  (truth or fiction) get first dibs. 😉

Forgive them?

Father, forgive them

they don’t know what they do

Father, forgive them

they do not have a clue

Father, forgive them

please take my life instead

Father, forgive them

put the price on my head

Father, forgive them

I know all they’ve done

Father, forgive them

hear your only son

Father, forgive them


Today it occurred to me that when he was pleading on our behalf, he was even forgiving the shooters in Kenya. As one of my young friends says… “mind…blown.”

I wonder if my capacity for forgiveness will ever be anywhere close.

Probably not.


I don’t generally post my poetry, but found this in one of my old notebooks and I still like it. 


shining daylight for the blind

swift transport for the lame

love for the unlovely ones

balm soothing all in pain

hope for mothers in sorrow

recognition for one ignored

open to hungry homeless

a shield from vicious hordes

life for the man who’s soulless

friendship for the bereft

comfort for grieving soldiers

bright joy for the depressed

a voice for unheard children

in doing this we’ll see

the hands and feet of Jesus

are what we’ve come to
